Throw ball: History, Rules, Skills, How to Play (2024)

Throwball: A Great Way to Get Exercise and Have Fun
Throwball game: A Sport That Promotes Teamwork and Cooperation (Credit: Instagram)

Have you heard of Throwball? This dynamic team sport is like a high-energy fusion of your favorites! Imagine volleyball’s bumping and setting, with a dash of dodgeball‘s throws and agility.

Throwball throws a thrilling twist into the mix, demanding quick throws and strategic teamwork to dominate the court.

Throwball shows the similarity of the game with the name. If you think that this is just a matter of throwing the ball, then you are wrong.

It is not popular as cricket, football, or tennis, but it has a different craze in youth and a unique vision. It is not so easy. Often, Throwball and volleyball are confused.

But throw balls are distinct. Several of the sports that are popular and practiced around the globe originated in India. Throwball is one of them. Throwball was first considered a female sport.

Later, men and women all over the world played it. It also plays indoors and outdoors. The Throwball Federation Of India (TFI) is the governing body of Throwball.

Do you want to know how to play? Then you must read the full article.

throwball play
Image Credit: Throwball Federation Of India

History of Throw Ball

In the 1930s, Throwball was popular among women in England and Australia as a recreational sport. The Throwball Federation Of India claims it. This Throwball reached India via the YMCA, most likely in 1940. 

Despite being played around the world, it has gained more popularity in India than anywhere else. Harry Crowe Buck founded the YMCA College of Physical Education in Chennai.

In the 1950s, the game made its way to Bangalore. A Bangalore sports enthusiast named Ramana organized a national Throwball competition in 1980. We founded the Throwball Federation of India (TFI) in 1985. In 1990, Throwball became a sport for men and women in India.

Purpose of Throwball

To win, the players must defeat the opposing team. During a Throwball game, there are three sets. The team that can score the first 15 points wins the set.

The winning team is the first to win two sets. Throwball is a fast-paced sport. Thus, teams must possess a high level of teamwork and fitness to win.

The Objective of Throwball Skill

  1. Place a ball along the ground.
  2. After a ball has bounced, use your forehand to hit it.
  3. Volley a ball in the air with your forehand.
  4. To begin a rally, serve a ball.
  5. Stand up straight, with the ball in your throwing hand and your face to the target.
  6. Turn 90 degrees to the right if you’re throwing with your right hand.
  7. Turn 90 degrees to the left if you’re throwing with your left hand.
  8. Check that your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  9. Shift your weight to your front foot, lower your pointing arm, and twist your body as you lift your throwing arm over your shoulder to deliver the ball at your target in one move.

Throw ball Skills

Understanding the Fundamentals:

Learn the fundamental rules and regulations of throw ball. Understand the court’s size, the net’s height, and the scoring system.

Team Formation:

Form two teams of seven to nine players each. There are attackers and defenders on each squad.


To begin the rally, a player from one team serves the ball over the net to the other team. The service must be delivered from behind the end line. Learn various serving styles like the overhand, underhand, and leap serve.

Receiving (Passing):

To build up an attack, you must pass the ball properly when the opposition team serves it to your team.
To receive the ball, concentrate on your hand location and use your forearms.

Launching an attack:

The attacking team’s goal is to put the ball over the net in such a way that the defensive team cannot return it.
Practice your spiking and hitting. Experiment with various spikes such as the power spike, roll spike, and off-speed spike.


At the net, defending players should attempt to prevent the ball as it is spiked by the attacking team.
When blocking to divert the ball back towards the attacking side of the court, timing is key.


For both attacking and defending, good footwork is vital.
Learn how to move rapidly, change directions, and keep your balance while playing throwball.


Throwball success depends on effective communication among team members.
To coordinate movements and plans throughout the game, use hand gestures or verbal instructions.


Develop a feeling of trust and teamwork among your coworkers. Understand the strengths and limitations of each player and adjust your plans appropriately.

Strategy for the Game:

Discover offensive and defensive methods such as the rotation system, rotating positions, and establishing a powerful defense.

Fitness and Conditioning:

Improve your physical fitness by working on your strength, endurance, and agility. Conditioning and practice on a regular basis will help you enhance your overall performance.

Game circumstances:

Practice serving under pressure, defending against varied assaults, and performing coordinated attacks in a variety of game circumstances.

Rules and Referee Signals:

Be familiar with throwball rules and referee signals to prevent fouls and penalties.

Scrimmages and Competitions:

Take part in scrimmages and friendly matches to build experience and confidence. Enter local and regional throwball events to put your talents to the test in a competitive atmosphere.

Continuous Improvement:

Never stop learning and developing your talents. Watch professional throwball matches and learn from expert players.

It’s important to remember that perfecting your throwball talents requires time and constant practice. Maintain your focus, collaborate with your teammates, and continue to hone your throwball skills.

Throwball Court

Throwball court made with hard solid ground or wooden poly grass. The dimension of the surface of the Throwball court the width shall be 12.20 meters. Use a color that contrasts with the surface, such as yellow or white.

The court length shall be 18.30 meters, again indicated in yellow or white, and the half-court measurement shall be 9.15 meters.

The service zone shall be 6.10 meters on the right side of the playing field, delineated by dotted lines, and the court-free area shall be 12.20 meters. Three-meter boxes will be the result of the box line being 1.50 meters on either side of the court.

Throwball court Measurement
Throwball Court (Credit: Sportzcraazy)

This neutral zone or box area shall have an overall length of 3 meters. Dotted lines shall denote the zones, with the front zone area being 2.55 meters from the box line. It will be 2.55 meters long in the front zone.

The center zone shall be 2.55 meters again, and the back zone shall also be 2.55 meters. The height of the net shall be 2.30 meters, and the length of the net shall be 12.50 meters, on which the playing surface shall be 12.20 meters.

The width of the net shall be one meter, the antenna shall be 1.80 meters with 1 meter within the net and 80 CM above the net marked with white and red colors, and the height of the pole being 2. 30 meters. 

Throwball Equipment

A) Pole

  1. It must measure the height of the poles from the playing surface and must be between 8 and 10 cm. We need white paint and metal poles. 
  2. In the middle of the court, there are 0.50-meter-long poles. Both with their sides away from the court.
  3. The net is tied to the pole with an additional metal pulley.

B) Net

  1. The net must be composed of cotton or nylon and have a length of 12.2 meters and a width of one meter.
  2. The mesh (Square) should be 10 cm x 10 cm in size.
  3. The ribbon should be 5 cm thick at the top and bottom of the net in full-length size, and a string should run through it to support the net.
Throwball kit
Throwball Equipment (Credit: Throwball Federation Of India)

C) The Ball

  1. The throw ball diagram must be spherical, with a leather or rubber exterior.
  2. Throw ball diagram should have a circumference of 70 cm to 72 cm when fully inflated, and a weight of 400 grams to 450 grams.
  3. The TFI will allow only balls with the official emblem in competitions. Technical committee approval is needed if TFI balls are not available. The planning committee If the ball becomes deflated or lost, it may only be replaced for safety reasons.

D) Antenna

  1. Antennas must be put on both sides of the net, precisely on the sidelines.
  2. On either side of the net, two 5 cm wide tapes should be fastened. The antenna’s length must be 1.80 m. Long, 10 mm in diameter, and constructed of cane or fiber.
  3. It should be 80cm above the net.


  1. A team must have seven or nine players and three or five substitutes.
  2. Each additional player’s box is invalid if it contains fewer than seven players.
  3. Any 12 players can make a substitution at any moment throughout the game.
  4. Each side is allowed a maximum of five substitutions for each set.
  5. It should make score sheet entries before the match begins. Players who intend to play or substitute must fill score sheets out.
  6. The player must wear a suitable uniform with a chest number ranging from 1 to 12 and a size of 20 cm x 10 cm on the back and 5 cm x 2.5 cm on the front.
  7. Players must abide by the rules and restrictions as outlined.

Rules of Throwball

Throwball rules & regulations
Throwball Rules (Credit: Getty Images)
  1. Every match should be played over three sets, with the first player scoring 15 points in each set.
  2. After the referee blows his whistle at the start of the game, the service is performed. From behind the opponent’s backline, use any area of the opposing half.
  3. Only during serving may a point be earned.
  4. In throwball, a team loses if they are unable to receive and return the ball after a serve or throw, such as by hitting the net.
  5. You should not volley the ball like in volleyball. They should be caught and then thrown quickly. Release a ball only from above or on the shoulder line.
  6. In Throwball, players should return the ball to the net as soon as they receive it.
  7. Two players cannot catch the ball at the same time.
  8. Catchers are required to throw the ball back within 3 seconds.
  9. Any pushing or misbehavior is prohibited.
  10. The ball should not come into contact with the net.
  11. Players are not permitted to touch the net for any reason.

How to play? 

The side that wins the toss gets to choose between court and service. There are nine players on each side who must line up in the correct order. A set allows 3 to 5 substitutions for each team, with a maximum of 3 substitutions per team.

Each side in a set may call a time-out at any moment for rest and talk. Every time-out will be 30 seconds long. When you catch the ball, grip it with both hands and swing it towards your right shoulder above your head in a swinging motion (As most of them are right-handed). Then throw the ball with your right arm.

Throwball Playing style
How to Play Throwball (Credit: Throwball Federation Of India)

Well, my notion for covering long distances, which I used to recommend to you. Catch the ball, then run near the net before throwing it a significant distance.

Another option, if you have a lot of practice, is to throw at a 45-degree angle, as you may have seen Javelin throwers do to cover a long distance.

Servers deliver their services behind the backline to any region on the other side. The serving team can only score one point when the opposing team makes a mistake.

Even service follows specific guidelines, such as following the whistle of the referee at the start of the game.

Easy way to describe How to Play Throwball

Throwball International

In the late 90s, Throwball gained more popularity among men and women.

The contribution of T. Ramanna lifted Throwball to the International level. He converted TFI to ATF. Kolkata hosted the first Asian Throwball Championship in 2002 to promote the sport internationally.

T Ramanna’s efforts resulted in the creation of the International Throwball Federation in 2002. The ITF’s headquarters are in Bangalore, while the regional office is in South Korea.

Throwball Tournaments

Throwball is a growing sport right now. The game is very popular in India. Apart from India, it is gradually gaining popularity abroad. 

Indian colleges and schools organize Throwball tournaments. You can observe national tournaments for junior, sub-junior, and senior women and men. You can check out the calendar of the Throwball Federation.

Besides India, the game of Throwball has gained international expansion. There are international throwball tournaments between clubs, between continents, and throughout the world.

Indian National Throwball Championship

National championship in throwball is one of the most prominent sports event that is conducted in the India in order to find out the talent of throwball players. The championship is played under the aegis of the Throwball Federation of India (TFI) and different players take part from different states / regions.

National Throwball Championship can begin and end at different times depending on the year of the championship but usually, it takes place in summer. The TFI always declares the dates and venue beforehand so that teams can prepare themselves for the participation.

Indian national throwball championship touurnament.
Kerala in National Throwball Championship. (Credit: Facebook)

Though people of India are more interested in playing cricket or football, there is a good craze for throwball also, especially in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka etc. It is equally essential to know that National Throwball Championship is a significant event for the growth and awareness of the particular kind of sports. It facilitates a ground in which players get to exercise their talent, challenge themselves and get rewarded.

The championship also helps the government in the discovery of fresh talents to promote in the future. It assists to find out talented players who can be beneficial for the sport in India and can participate in the international tournaments.

Throwball players

We are more enthusiastic about sports stars like football, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, etc. But we should know that the stars of sports like Throwball, Carrom, Handball and badminton are also amazing enough. 

Some throwball players are Sabiya S, Carmel, Poornima, Aquib Mohamad, Jagat Singh Chauhan, Asif Pasha, Abdul Qadir, Ahmed Lone, etc.

Last Words

Thank you for reading the article so far. I have tried to give you the easiest way to play the Throwball game and overall knowledge in this article. 

In the future, I will try to discuss this in more detail and bring something new to you. If you like the article, subscribe to Sports Dribble and its Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account.

Related Questions

1. What are the Throwball substitutions rules?
  1. Referees use substitutions to allow a player to leave the court while another player fills the same position.
  2. The referee and umpire must approve substitutions made from the specified substitution area.
  3. The maximum number of substitutions per team per set is five.
  4. During dead ball situations, substitutions will be allowed.
  5. Within the same round of players, a player can be re-substituted.
  6. There was no substitution at the 9th position (service position).
  7. The remaining players had to continue with up to seven players if any player got injured during the five replacements.
4. What are the Throwball fouls Rules?
  1. When receiving the ball, the ball slips from the hands.
  2. If a player touches the ball twice, it is considered a foul.
  3. Any ball that touches the ground in the free zone box is called a dead ball. As a result, the opposing team scores a point.
  4. It is prohibited to touch any body part while throwing, returning, or receiving.
  5. A player may not have the ball in their hands for more than three seconds at a time while the game is in progress.
  6. A ball rebounding or bouncing off the net can be received by another player; however, purposely sending the ball to the net constitutes a foul.
  7. Having the service ball touch the net and antenna should result in a side-over.
  8. It is a foul if the ball is in play and crosses the box line.
  9. If a player takes one step forward or backward after receiving the ball, it is deemed superior; however, taking more than one step is called a foul.
  10. It is not permitted to jump and receive the ball. Jumping and tossing the ball, on the other hand, are allowed.
2. Are Handball and Throwball the same?
  1. In Handball, the teams consist of 7 players; a goalkeeper and six outfielders. In Throwball, A team must have seven or nine players and three or five substitutes.
  2. The player can pass, hold or shoot after receiving possession of the Handball. In Throwball, throwing, returning, and receiving the ball should never touch the body.
  3. There are three sets in a Throwball match. In a Handball match, each period lasts 30 minutes.
3.Throwball Vs. Volleyball
  1. Nine players play Throwball. Six players play volleyball.
  2. A cotton or nylon net must measure 12.2 meters in length and 1 meter in width. Men’s volleyball nets are 2.43 meters tall, while women’s volleyball nets are 2.24 meters tall. Height varies according to age and ability level.
  3.  When throwing, returning, or receiving the ball, the ball should never touch any body part. Although players in volleyball often push or strike the ball with their hands or arms (short contact), they are free to utilize any part of their body.
  4. The playing court measures 12.20 by 18.30 meters (40.03 ft. x 60.04 ft.) with a neutral box of one meter (3 feet 3.37 inches) on either side of the center. A one-meter-wide net divides the 9 m by 18 m (29.5 ft. by 59.1 ft.) volleyball court into equal square halves (39.4 in).
5. What are the kits of the Throwball players?

The players must wear a jersey, half pants or skirt, and sports shoes (no heels) made of rubber or leather. 

It is against the rules for participants to wear headgear or any other jewelry, including diamonds, pins, and other metallic objects. 

2 thoughts on “Throw ball: History, Rules, Skills, How to Play (2024)”

  1. nice information its usefulness and significance is overwhelming the way you covered all the basic necessary information is really impressive good work keep it up

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